Naša nova investicija na področju kontrole. Za merjenje večjih obdelovancev do 60 metrov dolžine smo investirali v LASER LEICA ABSOLUTE TRACKER AT960. Laser tracker nam zagotavlja natančnost merjenja na 6m dolžine do 0.03mm. Programska oprema PolyWorks®, nam omogoča tudi 3D skeniranje.
Production and assembly
Machine building in company Mojstrovina is the one enabling us to make individual kits and components in full, including the assembly. If required, we also assure for the client the standard elements and assemble them together with pneumatics and electricity into an entire system or automated line.
From the idea to the start
With our extensive machine fleet we offer services of CNC milling, CNC turning, grinding, thermal treatment, the production of welded parts with final machining, the production of various gearwheels made to order and the treatment of forged parts and castings. We also offer the services of deep drilling and wire erosion.
Production of tools
Tool making represents a part of our production, which has been well developed and upgraded to the present day. We can offer our clients our own construction of tools (CAD), programming with modern software and hardware (CAM), final treatment and assembly of the tools.