Laser tracker ensures an accurate measurement

Naša nova investicija na področju kontrole. Za merjenje večjih obdelovancev do 60 metrov dolžine smo investirali v LASER LEICA ABSOLUTE TRACKER AT960. Laser tracker nam zagotavlja natančnost merjenja na 6m dolžine do 0.03mm. Programska oprema PolyWorks®, nam omogoča tudi 3D skeniranje.

Dynamic development and professionalism of the employees enable us to comply with the requests of the most demanding buyers!

Laser tracker ensures an accurate measurement

Our new investment in control department. In order to measure larger workpieces with a length of up to 60 meters, we have invested in the LASER LEICA ABSOLUTE TRACKER AT960. The laser tracker ensures an accurate measurement with a length of 6 m up to 0.03 mm. The PolyWorks® software also makes it possible to scan 3D workpieces. In this way, we can offer customers even higher quality and therewith greater trust.
